Hey – Whats the BIG Idea Here?? (Read On)

What is the value of a really great idea that never gets put into motion or acted upon? That’s right, nothing. I know how that goes and I’ve discovered a way to get over on it. I am a coach – that’s what I do!

I try my absolute best not to ‘give my advice because I’m not using it’ with my clients. I prefer to do the work or show what work I have done. I am offering a method for us all to learn and DO something about what we learned. I am willing to work with you to discover the right avenues for you to take. I am a coach – that’s what I do!

I am announcing/providing a series of unique book study groups that will combine elements of Group Coaching, Book Study and Mastermind components. It will meet weekly and you can participate in one or several if you are so inclined. The cost is just $79 per month, per group and I guarantee that getting a massive return on your investment is very ‘DO-able’ if you are willing to DO the work. Let me put state that in a more familiar and understandable way – MONEY BACK GUARANTEE reads like this: If you are not totally impressed with the significant amount of success that you have achieved after attending and completing four weeks AND doing exactly what you said you would do during that time, then I will offer you a full refund of your first month’s tuition. PERIOD

Most book studies I have experienced, work through the text and have some interactive discussions. This will have that element for sure but much, much more. As the group facilitator, I will assert an expectation for each member to put into ACTION one or two good ideas they gleaned from the reading for that week. In addition, I will also follow up to provide accountability for those commitments, through email during the week.

As we have a brief check in period for the group in the following week, you will get some valuable feedback. There will be a max limit per group of 10 participants ( minimum of 6 to start ), which allows everyone to give a brief perspective, weekly commitments and feedback in a 60-90 minute format.

I am starting with several powerful and well know books (standards in the personal success and business arena) and would be open to suggestion from you about a book you would like to explore in the future. For now I’ll offer these to you and your growth.

Below is a list of the various books and authors for these groups. Also, feel free to add a title or two that you would like to see, and email them to me – I look forward to your participation and feedback.

What is the value of a really great idea that does get put into motion or acted upon immediately?

A whole lot more than nothing, that’s for sure!! In fact the format for this study/action group encourages new HABITS to be formed from those ideas, which could very well be life altering for some. For YOU Maybe??

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at the list below of the great books we will be working on and send me an email to let me know which one(s) you’re interested in working on. I’ll contact you and together we’ll be more way more successful by working together – I GUARANTEE IT
Your Partner in Success,

Coach Garry

If you are ready to get started, email me at garry@garrycarlson.com

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Getting Stuff Done by David Allen

Get Clients Now by C.J. Hayden

The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

The Art of Possibility by Rosamund & Benjamin

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris


I.I.A. Groups have started already and more will be added as the interests grow. These groups are having some great success in creating momentum for everyone involved. You can have some of this level of success as well. Fill out the form below, ask a question, inquire about a book study you might want to join, email me a note of your interest in a particular book I didn’t list, and we’ll find a way to get something going.

The bottom line is this – The time for thinking about doing something is behind you – its time to take SOME KIND of ACTION. There is a wise saying that says “You can’t think your way into right acting, but you can act your way into right thinking.” I invite you to take some action right now and contact me via email @ garry@garrycarlson.com

All the Best – Coach Garry

  1. Hey Garry! Great Post! and it sounds like a truly great idea for your study group!

    Your number one book is actually my number one! I LOVE the power of positive thinking one of the greatest books I’ve ever read!

    I would also add the Power of Now

    Also just an FYI your like button is giving an error
