Getting to Know You/Me

One of the sticking points about getting started with a Strategic Business Coach like myself, is the nagging questions about ME. What if he’s an _________? What if he’s a bully, arrogant pig, know it all, yada, yada, yada. The truth is, I can tell you about the great successes that I have had with people in small to mid sized businesses, from the solopreneur to the CEO level. I have...

Success Algebra ( A=K2S )

There are so many elements that make up success, some are universal across all people and conditions. Other elements are more unique or variable for different applications and situations. In my writing today, I would like to discuss the one single, universal and essential element that literally guarantees success of anything. Without it, failure or non-success will always happen. That one single...

It’s About Time

Time is so important to us all. Some more than others, relative to whats going on in our lives today, but it’s important to all of us. Do you find yourself wanting more time for things, like projects, work, recreation, sleep or you? Well read on my friends and see how we can work together to create some additional time to work (or play) with.   Do you realize that if we were to just...

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my Coaching – Speaking – Writing Blog! I am looking forward to posting some valuable and creative topics that can enable you to get into action and move forward. This information will allow you to develop some actions based on what you want to do, go, have, see or feel.   For those of you familiar with coaching, I am looking forward to building some lasting client...

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